Thought I'd create this thread to see if can get the ball rolling a tiny bit with TS2015.
#How to use railworks download in ts2016 install#
INSTALLATION -Use the Package Manager (Accessed from running Utilities.exe in your steamapps/common/railworks folder) to install the included. RSC AP Station Freeware pack, Availible from STEAM -All of the TSNZ Scenery Packs (Houses, Town Buildings, etc.) availible here (Use RWTools to find specifics if you can't download all the packs, but basically all the stuff from BigPeter and SavV) This SHOULD be it, but long nights and a lack of caffeine mean I've probably missed something. RSC Sherman Hill DLC, Available from STEAM -RSC Woodhead Line DLC, Available from STEAM -Default US/Euro Content (AKA US and Europe Content Packs, for users who started with TS2013) +Signals! -Certain Vegetation -Cattletruck installation bug -Old stations +TSNZ Scenery to attempt to replicate the NSW towns!
#How to use railworks download in ts2016 update#
Bugs Squished/Additions in this Update. I've spent a long time on this route, and I'm looking forward to improving this route and creating others.
This is my first route created properly, with a Route Template, Terrain DEM, etc. SomebodyHello, and thank you for downloading Version 1.1 of my NSW Tumulla Banks Route for Railworks. When you click on drop-down buttons, IDM shows the list of queues to select from.There is a route I have been looking at today called
When you add a new file to download, IDM adds it to the main download queue by default, and IDM deletes the file form the download queue when its download is complete. To display context menu you can either right click on the queue, or select the queue and press context menu button on the keyboard. The queues in this list have a simple and convenient context menu. When you select a queue in the list, the main IDM list of downloads shows only the files that belong to the selected queue. The categories field of the main IDM window has "Queues" node that shows the list of queues. If a queue is scheduled for the start, then its icon has a small clock sign. The icon with two yellow and the icon with two green files show that the download belongs to an additional download queue and an additional synchronization queue correspondingly. The icon with three yellow files means that the download belongs to the main download queue, three green files icon stands for the main synchronization queue. The main IDM list of downloads has "Q" column that shows which queue downloads belong to. You can schedule the start and the stop times of download/synchronization queues, or you can start and stop download queues manually. Also you can create any number of additional queues. IDM has 2 main queues: download queue and synchronization queue.