Sims 4 cat and dog fight
Sims 4 cat and dog fight

sims 4 cat and dog fight

\(C\) Or \(D\) Plus a number, indicating that this audience doesn't want to see, and there will be no two in the same line. First enter a character \(C\) Or \(D\) Then, it is a number, indicating that a viewer wants to see, and then a space separated, and then it is another one.

sims 4 cat and dog fight

First \(2\sim k+1\) OK, each line describes a viewer's voting content.First \(1\) Row \(3\) Positive integer \(n,m,k\), Indicate the number of cats, dogs and audiences, respectively.He wants to find a plan to arrange animal performances, so that the audience who came to see performance is as much as possible. Of course, look at the performance is to pay the door, as the boss of the circus, small \(k\) Naturally, the more people want, the better. For each audience, only when he voted, he wanted to see the animals showed that the animals he didn't want to participate in the performance), he would look at the performance.The audience who likes the cat will choose a cat behind the first empty, and the second empty will choose a dog if it will choose a dog behind the first empty, the second empty back select the cat. Note that each viewer is more like a cat or more like dog, so two empty will definitely be hooked from different content.Before the performance, he made the audience vote, the voting is: I want to see the performance of the _ 号 Cat / Dog, do not want to see the first _ 号 Cat / Dog performance.

sims 4 cat and dog fight

  • small \(k\)Classmates are playing a game, he played a circus boss in the game, now small \(k\) Students need to use circus \(A\) Cat and \(B\) Only a dog held a performance.

  • Sims 4 cat and dog fight